Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Curious Case of the Button in the Soup

So i had lunch at Cstreet today and found a black button in my french onion soup. Should i sue? Maybe I will, I mean i could have choked and all. Well, I completely lost my appetite and tried to have a conversation with people but i kept coughing. I have been sick for a week now and have not gotten any better. Im pretty sure I either have mono or AIDS, one or the other. I know the symptoms for both are lots of coughing.
So, went to Vegas this weekend with my mamma and i chose not to gamble because I hate seeing my munies go down and down because i lose at just about everything in life. However, I had five dolla at the airport when i was flying home and i decided to play Wheel of Fortune. I put the five in and the first spin was some screaming lady which meant i got the bonus round and got to spin the big wheel. Before i pushed the button a man comes behind me who was sitting 4 machines down and yells behind my ear, WHEEEELL OFFF FORTUNEEE. This startled me into pushing the button so he would go away. So the wheel was spinning, and spinning, and spinning some more and it landed on 200 dolla. I jumped for joy.
Upon my 200, i still had an extra 4 dolla from my original 5 and decided to keep playing, i then hit another 350 dolla. WOW someone likes me.
So now back in Seattle, I have heard of some of the things that happened on Christinas 21 run (i wish i was there). I was told she kept slapping someone, tried to rip off Lizs windshield wipers, and got raped by daniel. Really it just sounds like a normal night.
I NEED TO GET BETTER SOOOON. Is AIDS curable yet?? Ill look it up. I want to go see the Beatles laser show tomorrow, but who knows. UGHGH fml

Monday, February 2, 2009

Im Trouble

Apparently, the entire school hates my group of friends. I found this bit of information out from two other gaybos. And with the decency that I do have I will just reveal their first initials. S and K.
Lets begin with S, in a hardcore battle of gayness, S and I fought to the death. However, he may have conquered my best throws when he said that my group of friends were questionable. Upon this backlash, I questioned what friends he was talking about. Of course, S had to mention the two most controversial and the two most intriguing. Miss Christina and Mr. Daniel.
Now, let me tell you something about Christina and why she is amazing. Christina can kick your ass while making pasta at the same time. Bitch dont mess with the bitch who threw the infamous cunt hunt and upcoming glamchola/sexy alter boys and dirty priests. Take that SU. suck it.
Daniel is a different story. Im pretty sure S is probs jealous that Daniel didnt pay him the time of day, but lets face it. Daniel is a bitch and can outbitch just about anybody.

Now on to the fact that I am trouble, based on what K says. i probably am trouble since it seems all i do is get belig and run around dancing and having an amazing time. Sorry, thats what my life is. My life is also keeping a 3.8 GPA and writing my ass off for multiple sources. And get your facts right K, the RedZone is to meant to include the entire school and not an exclusive group. Maybe if you would join, you would not feel so left out.

I feel like I am back in high school and its the cool group versus the outsiders. However, would we be classified as the cool group or outsiders? I would pick outsiders because none of us think we are cool, except for Daniel, and we would much rather prefer being hated than loved. Besides, lets face it, we are just hotter than all of you.

To make this blog better, I have compiled my group of friends into a list and why we are better than most people. Sorry, if you are not on this list, i cant think of you which may mean you are not important.

Vera - Total bitch and slut
Christina - Controversial corner
Liz - Insane and offensive
Jen - Has the Pose and the Time wave
Taylor - Bitch can outdrink even me
Katherine - She was captain of the softball team Bitch and can throw a punch
Daniel - Major gay slut
Jackie - Could give a shit what you think
Rochelle - Shes hot, and you're just jealous
Lauren - Knows how to work that pole
Abi - Can knock you out with one boob
Gloria - Invisible vommer
Alex - Will whip your ass into shape
Alex L - will outrun you
Gil - so trashy its classy
Jess - just dont mess with this bitch
Jeff - Is smarter than you

And let me say something about Miss Maura. This girl is so trendy, I cant even stand it. She also laughs at everything i say, and that means shes my favorite new person.