Friday, May 22, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pet Peeve of the Week

People with no sense of time.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I have not looked at my bank account in over a week in fear of what I am about to see. I have this problem where I cannot stop spending money even though I don't have it. Also, the other day I choose to go out and not buy toilet paper, good life choice. So, I ended up stealing a role from the school. I hate that 1 ply shit.

Okay, so lets get my life together. Well, lets just get my financial life together because that will take less time.

Step 1: move out of expensive Riannas CHECK
Step 2: stop going out all the time harder than it sounds, but okay
Step 3: No more retail therapy This does not include thrift, and cute things
Step 4: Drunchies must stop UGhGHGH
Step 5: FIND A MOTHER FUCKIN JOB Been searching and applying for 4 months, :(

Friday, May 8, 2009

"Sometimes we sacrifice friendships for the one we love"
"Take 10 steps back, cus im ready baby aim and fire."

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

yahoo answer of the week

I made Jesus-shaped pancakes, but I burnt them. Am I going to hell?

Absolutely. The only acceptable way to integrate Jesus into food is to accidentally burn his face into a piece of toast or on a grilled cheese sandwich and then sell it on eBay. Jesus would be proud that you can get Golden Palace to pay $500 for it.