Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Coalition for Global Concern

So, sitting at the Bistro with Jen and Taylor. I have become addicted to doing "homework" at the bistro and by homework i mean facebook and making fun of how people dress (miss you Vera). But anyway, as I sit here not reading, I have decided to make a list of what Junior year has brought me this year that others (the coalition for global concern) would not enjoy hearing about.


-Being absolutely Belig for 72 hours
-Meeting a lovely model who had a certain powder on her tits
-Telling a 4 year old girl to stop being such a slut
-Pole humping

21 Run

-Taking 7 tequila shots, a mind eraser, an adios mother fucker, and 6 yeiger bombs.
-Hitting my head on a dumpster while attempting to make out with Christina
-Fall over while trying to pee and hit my head on the bathtub and bleed profusely while vomming at the same time. All over Christina

-Vera peeing the bed on the night i get there
-Vera cracked out wandering around Amsterdam at 4AM
-Eating at the BK Lounge for Christmas Din
-Pole dancing with future strippers
-Peeing on a post office

The Apartment

-Ass wars with Liz and Christina
-Inviting homeless people up from the shell to party
-Real World: Bed
-Doing my best Jagger
-Single Ladies dance

And now things im looking forward too:

Anime Convention

-Making fun of all the freaks (just admit it, they are freaks)
-Dressing up like one of the freaks
-Sneaking into the crazy rave

Sasquatch (Suckamothafucka)

-Sleeping next to Jackie
-Taking 8AM shots on top of the car
-starting a mosh pit riot
-Promote binge drinking


-Not getting another MIP (cus i be 21)
-Attending another random Olympia party
-making traps for Jeff
-Playing find the poo with Jeff
-Jackie throwing another shoe in the fire

and now some famous quotes

"Is there a Lewis and Clark Day?" You mean Lois and Clark? - Christina and I
"Stop making out with Gay Guys, You're blowing your game" - Jen
"If Anne Frank was blind and deaf, how did she write a diary?" - Me confusing Anne Frank with Hellen Keller
"I have no thumb" - me in the fort
"Nobody really cared about the yellow ranger. What was she, like Asian?" - Jonathon
"I once took a 5 pound shit" - Tay
"Chocolate dumpers are what comes out with you eat the chocolate dunkers" - Me
"Have you been blogging this whole time?" - Jen
"How did i vom on the kitchen cupboard" - Tay
"I thought I had sex last night, but I woke up alone" - Christina
"If I had a theme song it would be Gwen Stefanis Hollaback Girl cus this shit is bananas" - Me
"What is this? A bridge" - Jonathon



  1. This can be another Case and Point for why people think we're idiots. VERRR NICE.

  2. wow this is the gayest blog ive ever read. LOVE YA

  3. Sorry Liz, next time ill write a full blog on Japanese toilets. LOVE YA
