Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pet Peeve of the Week

Girls who wear palazzo pants out in public. Theses things are disgusting. Why spend money on them? You look like a parachute when you open your legs, and guys dont want that now do they girls??? hmmm...

Spring showers bring hillarious encounters

As I sit in my comparing nations class, I have wondered on to the blogging world once again to compare creations. I have not updated the web on my life in awhile so here we go.

Love them, could not love them more right now. We have been having way too much fun this quarter and hopefully will continue to progress. May is approaching and that means:
1. Rochelles Bday
2. Cinco De Mayo
3. Katherines Bday
4. Quadstock
5. Sasquatch
6. Camping

This got more complicated than I thought. But here they are:

Bartender - yes, he has a name but I refuse to use it. Everything was going quite well until he introduced me to his boyfriend and then things just got weird. However, Bartenders boyfriend, which I have named Sleevy, based on his incredibly hot sleeve tattoo has recently been texting me. This also has put me off guard. Well I have never been in a situation like this, so I have ceased contact.
And yes, of course, im crushing. Its good to have a crush even if theres no shot in hell you will ever be with that person. For now though, crushing is all i need to do. As I have made my life motto,


This is sadly the first quarter that I dislike all my classes. I feel un-motivated and unprepared for what I am taking this quarter. Perhaps it is the sun, but I am pretty sure sitting through 15 hours of powerpoint lectures would make anyones head hurt. I cannot stand professors who teach primarily on their powerpoints saved from previous years.

Lols of the past week:
Coming in at #1 has to be the brilliant performance of Michael last weekend. As we danced for a good 5 hours over at Christinas, we began to walk home due to Michaels annoyance with his roommate. Michael wanted all of us to join him as he stormed in for a yelling session. Of course, due to past history with J, I thought it would be wildly hilarious and so did Kyle and Ange. (BTW can i just say how much i love this ANGE girl, so hot, so fierce). So as Michael walked into sexy time, the door flung open and we were exposed to hilarity. As Michael yelled, I grabbed on to Ange in fear that I would burst out laughing and wake up the whole dorm. After the yelling fest, Ange called the duo bitches and we walked away, not before receiving the simple life.

#2 goes to Christina for obsessing about Chicken Fried Bacon at the Twilight Exit. We finally got it and it was not good at all.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Slowin it down

This morning was rough, i was up til about 6 in the morning last night. It was a great night and just an amazing weekend overall. Great stories and good times. However, in feeling like absolute crab this morning, it is time for me to slow it down. I am not a freshman anymore, though there are days I wish I could go back to doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. Okay so plan A for this week, no drinking and start detoxing. I can do it, i keep telling myself this.

Plan for tonight, movie night i believe is appropriate.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Take A Ride on my DISCO STICK!

So this week has been so fucking AMAZINGGGG that i just have to write about it.

Sunday: SUN SUN SUN. I sat out all day in the sun and totally got burnt, well worth it.

Monday: MORE SUN SUN SUN SUN SUN, pretty much just did the exact same thing. Had a dance party with Katherine with the windows open, it was sooo goood.

Tuesday: Last day of SUN SUN SUN SUN SUN.

Wednesday: A fun night with the gang.


Friday: Crunkiversary, where im absolutely 100% that everyone blackedout. It really is a tight battle on who won that night. Its between Christina, Michael, and I. We all had no idea what was going on....

Saturday: ANIME convention. We dressed up, i made a disco stick and it was epic. But then we werent aloud in. FML. THough, we did get to see people dressed up as a cup of noodles and lots of other stuff.

Sunday: Easter Dinner with the gang

Thursday, April 9, 2009

New Pact

Due to recent events, I have decided its time to get over certain things.

I have made a pact with myself, Vera, and Kimmy that there will no longer be Drama in our lives. We will no longer sit around and wait for shit talking to happen because I believe that people who sit in a circle and talk shit are those who are just insecure with themselves.

I have done a lot of growing in the past month, and truthfully I have never been so lucky and so happppppyyyy to be me and to have the friends I do.

For those of you who insist on continuing to act out "The Hills" on your own, than please proceed because you are a waste of my time. I feel sorry for you and hope that one day you will get to a place where you can be happy with yourself and not worry about others.


Monday, April 6, 2009

i love the SUN, but it doesnt like ME

I got so burnt yesterday and today. It has been such a great two days of sitting and basking in the sun, however being a very very white boy I get incredibly red very very quickly. So, I look like this...

THe good thing is that I hope it will go tan and my hair also got incredibly lighter. I LIKE IT.

Vera Glo and I are planning on a party for friday. It is to celebrate our 2nd year crunkiversary and we are very happy about it. Gloria apparently has an epic playlist. I dont know how to dress up because it is a Cotton party. Im thinking cotton balls in the hair and perchaps tighty whities over clothes. OR, a cotton picker from the 1800s. Controversial?? NAH DUDE

Funny People

Its funny how things work out...I went back to my old post and my spring quarter goals. Going really well right now and i have a feeling spring quarter is about to get EPIC!!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dreams really do come true!

So far this quarter has been a lot of fun. The return of Vera has definitely put a giant boost in my attitude and energy level.

NocNoc on Tuesday was a blast. We sang lots of songs (only new wave though) jackie was not too thrilled and neither was I. However, we drank too much of course, or at least more than we planned. Danced and people watched. Trannys and guys on E were the main focus.

We played charades on Monday I believe and that was funnn. Blake tried to do Little House on the Prairie but it ended up looking like a flower girl prancing around like a gay boy at the Sex and the City premier.

Last night I held game night. It was lots of fun. I am still undefeated at Egyptian and scattegories is always fun. I also bought Flounder, so he is a my new bff. Tonight is art walk, should be epic, i still got some Rossi left so indeed it shall be epic.

Wow, what a boring update. oh well