Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mount Redoubt, How i HATE YOU!

So Mount Redoubt (the volcano Ive been telling everyone about) has decided to do this today....


Alaska airlines canceled all their flights today until further notice thanks to the large amounts of ash in the air. Oh sweet Jesus, if im trapped here im gonna be soooooooooooooooooo pissed.

On an up note. Night out with my sis and her friends tonight. We be going bar hopping as ash falls over the city. How lovely. I also have been listening to Taylor Swift non-stop and Demi Lovato. I dont know why Demi, but Taylor is amazingggg.

I want to be home ASAP, and by home i mean Seattle. GET ME OUTA HERE..

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Moose Skywalker, may the Forest be with you!

So in Alaska (Sarah Palin accent) we believe in the most retarded (and i use this word because it is appropriate) signs possible. Like these:

But anyways, so I still havent seen Sarah Palin again since i first got here. Sad :(.....So tonight is crab dinner and I am very excited about it. i LOVEEEE ME SOME CRAB.

Tomorrow night, my sis is taking me out on the town again, UGH I dont want what happened last time to happen this time. So i said no Lon please, but its a very small world and he will probs be there.

-I saw three high school friends at the grocery store today and they were all part of the "popular crowd". Its too bad to have to see them now. Poor Shawna is pregnant with twins and her best friend Kasey gained a good 30 pounds and died her hair red with blonde roots. Oh trashy. Poor children. One of my football mates, Mark, was working at the Deli when I thought he was going to school in Montana but i guess he dropped out.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why, if when I'm in the biggest state, the world just gets smaller...Reasons why i hate you, Alaska!

OKAY....lets start. This night was very interesting. I havent really given much thought of going out and drinking with my fam, but my sister has been pushing me to go since i got here.

To start, let me just say...It hurts like a BITCH to even sit down due to the GIANT bruise i got from skiing. So glad I am going again on Thurs.

Okay now, so tonight we went and saw the play Annie: The Musical. How lovely, a curly red headed girl dancing around singing its a hard knock life. I preferred when Jay-Z sang it. JK, i love musicals and it was fun. So after the show, we thought of going out to the bars because after all, we were already "downtown". Anchorage's downtown consists of dive bars full of oil field miners and hotels that are as tall as Campion dorm.

So, we go to this place called Orsos, and im thinking my moms paying so im gonna get a drink thats delish and expensive. I get something called the Vesper. It is PURE 151, gin, and vod with their "special juice"....OMG it was an ORGASM in your mouth. SOOOO delish. Well after one of those i was feeling grande.

So, then off to Humpys. YES, Humpys where my sister meets up with her friend Lon. Well, Lon is actually an ex boyfriend of mine and i was not planning on him and my sister to EVER meet. The shock of seeing him is quite fearful since I dont know if my mom or sister know. But they didnt, and Lon said we knew each other through a friend. So Lon is pretty hammered before we get there and we sit with him and his friend and chat it up. They relive the memory of my mom taking a body shot off of him at her 46th bday. WTF, what has happened to my mother????? I dont know if i like it...

Okay, so into the night, i just get 1 more drink and Lon is going on and on, Then we are left alone.... Oh God...insert drama here (Lon leans over says he missed me and why havent we talked in 2 years. I say I dont know. He leans forward to me and starts to pour his heart out on what has been troubling him for the past 2 years. Apparently, he is in recovery as a sex addict and also marijuana. Well isnt that great. I had NO IDEA what to say to that. I just kept thinking "get the hell away from me"

Well thank God, Jesus, Allah, Ms. Piggy, Lady Gaga (whoever you believe in) that my sister comes back and tells him to go sing karaoke. So he goes up on stage and starts singing its raining men (how original). Im thinking, jeeze, did I seriously like him at one point. Well....It was time to leave for my mom and i was going with her. My sister and Lon tried to get me to stay. BUT NOT HAPPENING.

And now i am home....

BTW...the volcano that exploded and released tons of ash, the wind shifted and directed it the other way. AND NO PEOPLE there is no Lava.

Also, this no facebook is going well. I just end up blogging lots, which is fun, so you better be reading it!!!


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sarah Palin, get out of my hood!

Back in my old bed. Its kinda nice, but i prefer mine in Seattle. So comfy. Woke up today to this.......

Four feet of fresh powder dude. Thats how we talk up here. So, my friends who know i cant ski or snowboard took me. I proceeded to ski because snowboarding is the devil and i thought i was doing pretty good. That is, until I got off the chairlift where I completely embarrased myself by face planting into the runway causing the chairlift guy to stop the entire lift for a good 3 minutes as I attempted to regain composure. FML.

But then I began to get the hang of it again. I think its been about 5 or 6 years since i went skiing. Well it was our last run because the sun was going down (at 3 PM) and I thought id go with the rest of the gang and take the more difficult path. Well i was going pretty good but it kept getting steeper and i got scared and thats when I ran into a shack. A metal shack that for some reason is there? The hill use to be a gold mine and they thought it look authentic or some shit to keep some of the old gold rush things like this shack. Well fuck you shack!!

After realizing I did not have a broken hip or a concussion, I took off my skis and in true Christina fashion, walked down the rest of the hill. People would pass and I knew they were thinking, oh theres that kid who ran into the shack. I actually think its rather funny.

So, now back home. I watched Twilight with my sister because she has never even heard of it......shes been living under a rock. Tonight, i just feel so damn sore and my head hurts. I think im seeing I Love You, Man with Kali tonight or Im just staying in having some Aui Tuna and catching up on Greys Anatomy.

P.S. I saw Sarah Palin walking her dogs. Apparently she does it everyday so next time im gonna run out and take a picture of her or with her. Im trying to think of my pose at the moment. Its gonna be Epic no matter what.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

In progress...back home...

Landed back in home to be immediately taken out to lunch at my favorite place, The Mooses Tooth, where everyones favorite Apple Beer was shoved down my throat. Delish!!! Then on to a bachelors auction downtown. Boys were looking good, but i gots no money to bid :(. And now im sitting reading William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying and took a breather to update my blog.

Okay, so peeps are wondering why i deleted my facebook. I DID NOT delete it, I deactivated it only for the time that I am going to be back. I want people to call me and text and for me to do the same. Ill really know who my friends are. Most of the peeps who wondered this also are confused about what i mean by changing myself. Well here is just a list im working on.

Changes to be made:
1. Surrounding myself with good people and completely eliminating those who make me feel bad about myself or who are fake and ignorant.
2. Put others before me.
3. I was always so happy when i was running everyday so...join the bootcamp with Liz this spring and start running everyday again! Also make weekly tennis matches with Jackie, Lucas, and Abi.
4. Eat healthy!
5. Not drinking during the week for no reason at all.
6. Not getting shitwrecked on the weekends for the sake of just doing so.
7. Go out more, as in to the parks, the art walk, to events, to shows, to theater.
8. Read more books. Starting now with Faulkner.
9. Call people more often.
10. Stop being so obsessive.

-These are just a few, i hid the really serious ones so hopefully people will begin to see if i am truly becoming a better and happier person. This "change" is in no way of any recent events, its just how ive been feeling lately. I am so glad to have all my good friends and to have made some really amazing new friends this year (Jonathan, Michael, Maura, Kimmy).

-So everything call me or ill call you. Have a GREAT GREAT GREAT spring break.


-Things that im sooo looking forward to in the next month.
1. Britney
2. Camping trip #1
3. Anime Convention
4. Vera's return

Friday, March 20, 2009

Thinking Sesh

I truly wonder if i will ever grow up. However, I had a revelation last night that next quarter is going to be very different and especially the upcoming summer. Im going to take it upon myself to change and I already know the first step.
-I must eliminate the people and situations in my life that make it too difficult and focus on who and what makes me truly happy and motivated.
SO..look out world, im coming back!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


If you have a food baby, is it possible that if you drink booze, you could risk getting Fetal Alcohol Syndrome????????

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The RoboCut

Taylor as told me about this interesting creation. The RoboCut which you attach to your vacuum and then use it to cut your hair at home. What an amazing creation. I need one. Now Im wondering what else can you attach to a vacuum and use it for? Imaginations please.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lady GaGa...cherry cherry boom boom

Oh Lady GaGa, how great you are!!!!!

Let me tell you about the show it was EPIC!!!!!!

She opened with segments of Andy Wharhol and called herself Candy Wharhol and then the screens split and there she was right in front of me singing Paparazzi in a crazy geometric shaped dress. Oh she was so energetic and fun and sang live. I loved when she came out in her bubble dress (yes a dress made of bubbles) and sang a new song and played the piano with her stilleto heel. AMAZING!!!!!!!

It was all i wanted it to be and more. JUST HAD TO LET YOU KNOW

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Can't Breathe

I guess I am just a huge fuck up. I have come to realize to I possess the incredible gift of being able to push people away, even though i wish they were closer.

I am currently in a state of panic. My eyes sting and I cant move from my bed.

What could I do differently?
Was is all my fault?

I can't answer these questions because my mind is not working.

Life, why do you hate me?


My least favorite thing at the moment is being worried. If I was less worrisome, I think I'd enjoy life a little bit more.

Why worry about tomorrow, shall I stew about it now?
Shall I say, It is no use, give it up, throw in the towel?
Why worry about tomorrow, will it bring me health and gain?
Or shall I wake up in the morning, in poverty and pain?
Why worry about tomorrow, whatever comes my way?
I've got all that I can handle just to make it through today.
Why worry about tomorrow? There's no point or so it seems.
Will I wake up in the morning and find it's all been just a dream?
Tomorrow is only maybe, and though yesterday was rough.
Today is all I have, and yes, today is quite enough.
Yes, it's fun to dream, and there is nothing wrong with hopes.
For today, I'll do my best, and give thanks when it is gone.

-Jerry Ham

Friday, March 13, 2009

lols of the week/weekly favorites

So a many funny random things happened this week that should be mentioned:

1. Our dress up day on monday.
2. The introduction of diagria - too much sangria can = diagria
3. A hilarious note posted on facebook that i found more amusing than serious
4. Bowling at the garage where we all showed off our amazing skills
5. Michael cracked out on aterol and then sleeping for a full 24 hours.
5. A fucking bee stung me while i was thrift store shopping.

-But lets be serious for just a minute. I want to discuss the fact that I am going to Lady GaGa on Monday and you should all be jealous. Thats right, be jealous.

Movies that must be seen:
-All About Eve
-Frozen River
-I Love you, Man
-Sunshine Cleaners

Music of interest this week:
-Flo Rider - Right Round
-Of Montreal - Shes a Rejector
-Oasis - Falling Down
-Taylor Swift EVERYTHING

Topics to Discuss when nothing else is worthy of discussion:
-What Rochelle is wearing
-Chris Brown and Rihanna
-Spring Break plans

Things I am officially giving up as of Monday 3/16:
-Fast Food (thats right)
-ordering crunk food

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sangria to Diagria: A revelation while in the tub, rubbadubdub

So have you heard about a bath dream?
Let me tell you about it. When you are in a bath and you kinda just dose off (practice this first because you may drown) and then you have this slight revelation about something or perhaps a deja vu. Well i had this the other day, I believe it was Monday and the dream went like this:

Splish Splash Splish Splash

-----Im in one of those movie dress up montages, you know where you find yourself in a giant closet full of clothes and there is a mirror and you just change outfits. Like 90 outfits in 3 minutes and you are with a friend and you are all giggly and shit???
Well i wanted to have one of those, but i dont really have that many clothes. In addition, the bath dream revealed that i would have a dress up party with Sangria. Now i hate Sangria, but you have to listen to a bath dream. So I got some Rossi, 5.99 at QFC WUT THE FUCK. HAD TO DO IT. and then it was time.

So we dressed up like our friends. Katherine, Jon, Michael and I. We went through facebook and found funny pictures to try to immitate. Of course we did this after consuming lots of sangria. The pictures will be up sometime soon of course.

On another side note:

Funny things that happened this past week:

1. I put a rubber band around the spray thing on the sink. and Blake turned it on and it was epically funny. Im such a child.

2. I have decided that i am not growing up. Instead I have devised a plan where i steal peoples livers, hearts, and go to Mexico to get cheap plastic surgery done. I cant reveal all of the plan, but basically ill be 24 forever. (24 just seems to be a good age)

3. In Fremont, this idiot guy we were with decided to throw a beer bottle at a cop car, we then proceeded to run away and hide in a ColdStone. And then got ice cream...

4. We also discussed if we were Asian, what kind of asian would i be. I decided id be Japanese. I mean they seem a lot hotter (Abi) and not as clingy. Was that offensive? Coalition for Global Concern please.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Road Trippin to Forks (Knives and Spoons and Spatulas)

Vera is gonna love this one!!!

So, for my digital journalism class we went to Forks, Washington where Twilight is set and i did a digital article on the small town. So the town is like 4 hours away, and it was me, Jonathan, and Taylor and on the way we stopped in Lacey and had Costco pizza and Panera. Then we were on our way.

It rained the entire way there, like hard rain, it was nice. We played car games including the state capitol game, where we thought we are all good but probably texted google for the answers about 30 times. So we knew 20 state capitols out of 50. We also played im going on a cruise and Jon decided his category were "things that were white" and to him, a thing that is white is a POWERHOUSE. He meant to say white house but he thought he'd be tricky and call it a powerhouse.

ANYWAY, so jon and tay were baked for the entire car ride and im just chillin as they fall quiet and then say weird things. So we get to Forks and go around to all the places to see which are like 4 things. Then on the ride home we stop at the ocean and feed a seagull who shit on my car and scared Jon and Tay.

Well, this blog is really not interesting at all, but I havent written anything for awhile because my life hasnt been that interesting for some time now. OH on the way home we stopped at DQ and Taco Bell (highlight of the trip)

Lets see what else has happened to me.

Beer Pong tourney last weekend. Jackie and I lost in double overtime to a guy named Bubba and a Samoan named ChaCha. It was close, soooo close. Ummm..... UW game tonight, who knows what will happen.

Also, songs that i hate that Liz loves:

1. Im on a boat
2. Jizz in my pants
3. Anything else on her ipod