Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Road Trippin to Forks (Knives and Spoons and Spatulas)

Vera is gonna love this one!!!

So, for my digital journalism class we went to Forks, Washington where Twilight is set and i did a digital article on the small town. So the town is like 4 hours away, and it was me, Jonathan, and Taylor and on the way we stopped in Lacey and had Costco pizza and Panera. Then we were on our way.

It rained the entire way there, like hard rain, it was nice. We played car games including the state capitol game, where we thought we are all good but probably texted google for the answers about 30 times. So we knew 20 state capitols out of 50. We also played im going on a cruise and Jon decided his category were "things that were white" and to him, a thing that is white is a POWERHOUSE. He meant to say white house but he thought he'd be tricky and call it a powerhouse.

ANYWAY, so jon and tay were baked for the entire car ride and im just chillin as they fall quiet and then say weird things. So we get to Forks and go around to all the places to see which are like 4 things. Then on the ride home we stop at the ocean and feed a seagull who shit on my car and scared Jon and Tay.

Well, this blog is really not interesting at all, but I havent written anything for awhile because my life hasnt been that interesting for some time now. OH on the way home we stopped at DQ and Taco Bell (highlight of the trip)

Lets see what else has happened to me.

Beer Pong tourney last weekend. Jackie and I lost in double overtime to a guy named Bubba and a Samoan named ChaCha. It was close, soooo close. Ummm..... UW game tonight, who knows what will happen.

Also, songs that i hate that Liz loves:

1. Im on a boat
2. Jizz in my pants
3. Anything else on her ipod


  1. hey i dont even know the im on a boat song! but once i learn it im sure ill be obsessed!! and at least my favorite songs arent single ladies and disturbia, you douche! LOVE YA

  2. ahh that sounds like a really fun day.
    minus the vampires. but it makes me want to go camping or something.
