Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why, if when I'm in the biggest state, the world just gets smaller...Reasons why i hate you, Alaska!

OKAY....lets start. This night was very interesting. I havent really given much thought of going out and drinking with my fam, but my sister has been pushing me to go since i got here.

To start, let me just say...It hurts like a BITCH to even sit down due to the GIANT bruise i got from skiing. So glad I am going again on Thurs.

Okay now, so tonight we went and saw the play Annie: The Musical. How lovely, a curly red headed girl dancing around singing its a hard knock life. I preferred when Jay-Z sang it. JK, i love musicals and it was fun. So after the show, we thought of going out to the bars because after all, we were already "downtown". Anchorage's downtown consists of dive bars full of oil field miners and hotels that are as tall as Campion dorm.

So, we go to this place called Orsos, and im thinking my moms paying so im gonna get a drink thats delish and expensive. I get something called the Vesper. It is PURE 151, gin, and vod with their "special juice"....OMG it was an ORGASM in your mouth. SOOOO delish. Well after one of those i was feeling grande.

So, then off to Humpys. YES, Humpys where my sister meets up with her friend Lon. Well, Lon is actually an ex boyfriend of mine and i was not planning on him and my sister to EVER meet. The shock of seeing him is quite fearful since I dont know if my mom or sister know. But they didnt, and Lon said we knew each other through a friend. So Lon is pretty hammered before we get there and we sit with him and his friend and chat it up. They relive the memory of my mom taking a body shot off of him at her 46th bday. WTF, what has happened to my mother????? I dont know if i like it...

Okay, so into the night, i just get 1 more drink and Lon is going on and on, Then we are left alone.... Oh God...insert drama here (Lon leans over says he missed me and why havent we talked in 2 years. I say I dont know. He leans forward to me and starts to pour his heart out on what has been troubling him for the past 2 years. Apparently, he is in recovery as a sex addict and also marijuana. Well isnt that great. I had NO IDEA what to say to that. I just kept thinking "get the hell away from me"

Well thank God, Jesus, Allah, Ms. Piggy, Lady Gaga (whoever you believe in) that my sister comes back and tells him to go sing karaoke. So he goes up on stage and starts singing its raining men (how original). Im thinking, jeeze, did I seriously like him at one point. Well....It was time to leave for my mom and i was going with her. My sister and Lon tried to get me to stay. BUT NOT HAPPENING.

And now i am home....

BTW...the volcano that exploded and released tons of ash, the wind shifted and directed it the other way. AND NO PEOPLE there is no Lava.

Also, this no facebook is going well. I just end up blogging lots, which is fun, so you better be reading it!!!



  1. haha see, Lon knows what his favorite song should be!! jk jk that sounds horrible, good think lady gaga rescued you!

  2. I wish it exploded lava... much more phallic.

  3. your fave banned movie: brokeback mountain
    lon's fave (should be banned) song: its raining men

    you're meant for each other

  4. Good thing there is no lava. I asked you via text message and then asked my parents... now I'm telling everyone here... so... now I look really stupid. I promise I'm not stupid people!
