Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sarah Palin, get out of my hood!

Back in my old bed. Its kinda nice, but i prefer mine in Seattle. So comfy. Woke up today to this.......

Four feet of fresh powder dude. Thats how we talk up here. So, my friends who know i cant ski or snowboard took me. I proceeded to ski because snowboarding is the devil and i thought i was doing pretty good. That is, until I got off the chairlift where I completely embarrased myself by face planting into the runway causing the chairlift guy to stop the entire lift for a good 3 minutes as I attempted to regain composure. FML.

But then I began to get the hang of it again. I think its been about 5 or 6 years since i went skiing. Well it was our last run because the sun was going down (at 3 PM) and I thought id go with the rest of the gang and take the more difficult path. Well i was going pretty good but it kept getting steeper and i got scared and thats when I ran into a shack. A metal shack that for some reason is there? The hill use to be a gold mine and they thought it look authentic or some shit to keep some of the old gold rush things like this shack. Well fuck you shack!!

After realizing I did not have a broken hip or a concussion, I took off my skis and in true Christina fashion, walked down the rest of the hill. People would pass and I knew they were thinking, oh theres that kid who ran into the shack. I actually think its rather funny.

So, now back home. I watched Twilight with my sister because she has never even heard of it......shes been living under a rock. Tonight, i just feel so damn sore and my head hurts. I think im seeing I Love You, Man with Kali tonight or Im just staying in having some Aui Tuna and catching up on Greys Anatomy.

P.S. I saw Sarah Palin walking her dogs. Apparently she does it everyday so next time im gonna run out and take a picture of her or with her. Im trying to think of my pose at the moment. Its gonna be Epic no matter what.


  1. Running into a shed is totally something that I would do too.
    Please let me know what kind of pose you come up with when you see Sarah Palin... I know you'll come up with something amazing!!!

  2. will you just throw a snowball at her?!
    also, it would have been funnier if you ran into the shack, proceeded to take off your skis and throw them into the foliage or directly at the shack. An anger problem makes everything funnier.

  3. im picturing you making up your poses, its making me laugh.. too cute too cute
